Monday, November 18, 2013

Filipino edition

Based on the movie, the Transformer is a sports car that turns into a heroic robot. The idea of designing a Transformer's costume is based on your interests. In order to make that costume patriotic, only the colors of the country's flag will be used.

The Philippine flag has 4 colors: yellow, blue, white, and red.

Interests are Subaru Legacy, Cherub Wings, Children's Paradise, and Star Boy. Each interest has an assigned color and a contribution to the overall costume.

Subaru Legacy is a full-time 4-wheel driving sporty car. Its car logo has a half-dozen of 4-pointed stars.

Cherub Wings is a child angel. In the Bible, he has 4 faces: man, ox, lion, and eagle. His role is to guard God's holy domain and presence from any sin and corruption.

Children's Paradise is a montessorian school for special children. A human being has 2 hands and 2 feet.

The extremities can be compared to a 4-wheel driving vehicle where the hands are the front wheels and the feet are the rear wheels.

In the movie Legion of Super-Heroes, Star Boy's escort is Dream Girl.

In Scandinavia especially Sweden, he is the immediate escort of Saint Lucy.

In the movie Narnia, Peter and Lucy are the only children who have a saint's name. Saint Peter guards the Kingdom of Heaven. Star Boy is a male star seed. Star seeds topple down corruption.

Each theme has a specific color and heavenly description. These are the contributions to the overall costume:

Subaru Legacy [celestial]: sporty white gloves and shiny yellow shoes

Cherub Wings [angelic]: circular yellow headpiece and long white robe

Children's Paradise [rapturous]: light blue polo and dark blue trousers

Star Boy [superhuman]: waist-leveled red sash and colorful red flag

* The acronym C.A.R.S. means Celestial, Angelic, Rapturous, and Superhuman.

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